The digital vernacular can be pretty tough to understand at a glance. At some point in our lives we have come across an article or a book on this particular subject – and reading it at the beginning is forced – and then very soon eventually abandoned.
Ignoring this world and its language for a long time is not a good thing. At the very least, it does not benefit both parties; the digital service providers offering us their services, and the consumer, that is us – whose life could be made better with it.
So let’s get started on the term ‘Digital Innovation’. What is it?
In simple terms, if you want to digitally innovate your business or your work, it means you want to do things in a better, faster, and cheaper way.
It means that you, as a wise and forward-thinking person, wish to apply digital technology to your existing business problems.
In today’s evolving marketplace, many businesses recognize that they need to adopt new technology services, think creatively, and transform their businesses in order to stay competitive.
Businesses that master this concept well will become digital innovators. A business that is a digital innovator is excellent at considering new ways to solve old problems.
We might not be aware of it, but we as individuals do this every day. We consume innovation on our phones (every useful app is a piece of digital innovation), and that in turn helps us solve problems in a myriad of little ways using this same digital device; and the more we do this incrementally, the more productive we get, and the closer we get to becoming an innovator ourselves.
So let’s say you are an artist who has been creating pieces of art for years now. But one day, very recently, you came across an advertisement that took you to the work of another artist much like you, who was making money off his artwork. An idea dawns: why not I do the same?! And there begins your journey with digital innovation for your fledgling business.
You create your art as usual, but this time you take pictures with your camera, you choose the best looking one, you then transfer those pictures to your computer via bluetooth or by inserting the SD card directly, and then you begin the process of uploading them on an e-commerce site such as Etsy or Amazon.
In this way, you are making use of multiple technological apps, devices, and services to build your business from scratch. Platforms such as Etsy and Amazon have built-in features that bring in views from people all around the world. You then post those pictures to your social media sites and generate more views -viewers this time that personally know you and would love to support you.
Slowly, as the weeks pass, little problems prop up and your mind does its job and your imagination helps you solve problems well. All because you have been exposed to innovation yourself and now you are well versed in the process.
You go on to solve problems well and improve your art and creativity at the same time. You discover new ways of doing things, faster ways of serving your clients, and easier methods of scoring those sales!
Look at you, in consuming digital innovation you’ve become a digital innovator!
If you hadn’t done it, if you weren’t curious, and if you stayed as far away from everything digital, you would probably still be an artist but not a thriving one. Say you wanted to sell your pieces, you would merely be relying on word of mouth and securing stalls at pop-ups and fairs in your city, and maybe even occasionally exhibiting at local art galleries. Besides, all this would have made you part with a hefty price or would have got you in debt.
Instead, you got creative and used the resources at your disposal – in this case digital resources such as your phone and computer – you were not only able to reach a much larger audience of potential clients but you also did it at a very minimal cost.
In the digital world, one cannot become an innovator in the field if one does not actively seek and engage with other works of innovation.
One cannot be a positive speaker if one doesn’t have the positivity within them to give to those outside them.
Just like the positive speaker who not only feeds himself on positivity, but also on knowledge, and experience, and the works of other great public speakers; you too must remember this: the more you take in, the more you are capable of giving back. For “the more you read, the more you write”.
And just like the synergism of it all that he used to transform into a source of benefit for him in achieving his goals – you too, as an aspiring digital innovator must feed yourself on innovation to be able to create it yourself one day.
It’s a perpetual upward rising spiral. Be curious, and watch how things are done. And while you are busy smoothening a lengthy process and working on achieving those goals faster, do not forget about taking the time to be inspired by others. And there you have your next step forward.
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